My cedar longbows all have three laminations of cedar with Bo-Tuff fiberglass on the back and belly. I like to use myrtle wood for the riser material and sometimes use laminated risers for added strength and beauty. Fiberglass wedges in the tips also add a touch of beauty and strength to the bow.
Each bow is custom made to your specifications and is priced at $575.
For additional information or to place an order, click here.
Click the images below to see a larger view.
- Robert Carter’s Boar.
Darren Nunez #
It was really nice speaking with you today. I had called you today asking about your build time because I didn’t want to order a new bow until next year. I looked at the bow on your website that was for Robert Taylor, I liked what you did with the riser using Myrtle and another wood together. I hope to see some more pics on your website of the bows you finish because I really like to see more of your bows.
Talk to you soon,
Darren Nunez
Mark van der Kreeft #
Hi Dave, what a very nice bows you make. Like the kind of wood you use. It is thinking out of the box with this kind of wood.After all the good reviews on the web of your bows and the old video on youtube of you making bows I really want one. Have so start to save some dollars to get one.
Also thanks for the quick and friendly answers by email.
With kind greeting,
The Netherlands
Mark van der Kreeft #
Hi Dave,
What a very nice bows you make. Thinking out of the box with cedar. And after the reviews on the internet and seeing how you make your bows on the old video on youtube i really want one of your bows. Now save some dollars and then order one.
And thank you for the quick and friendly reply on the emails.
With kind greetings,
The Netherlands
todd mendenhall #
Mr. Johnson is and was a pleasure to talk to in the whole building of the bow process. He is very attentive as to your need’s and desire’s and wants to ensure you are happy. Before the completion of my bow Mr. Johnson called me to let me know that it was few pounds over weight, and if I wasn’t happy he would start another one. I said it would be fine and he completed the bow and shipped it. Mr. Johnson emailed me the brace hieght and nock point on string. When I got the bow, I set it up where he suggested, pulled back and heard a very low hum of the string as my arrow hit the target. The bow is beautiful, the lines are clean and the wood gives a royal feel of the bow. Mr. Johnson made the handle to fit my hand and fit’s better than any other bow I own. The cast of the arrow is very fast for a straight limb longbow, and the draw weight was a mute point. I usually shoot 50#, but mr. Johnson’s 55# feel’s about the same, must be the excellent tillering. If you want a Longbow that follows, the true Hill style, made by a master bowyer, that will last you a longtime and put meat in the freezer, then Mr. Johnson is the man to contact.
Bill Strickland #
I have the good fortune to have Dave’s first string follow bow,,and I couldn’t be happier. Aside from being a looker, this bow is very smooth on the draw, with excellent manners on the release, and it seems to give up nothing in performance for being a string follow bow. It’s very pointable and is a real pleasure to shoot.
Mr. Johnson is as good as his bows. Since I was his guinea pig for his first string follow bow, he told me that if I didn’t like it, he would take it back and make me either a straight bow, or one with backset. That’s real customer service,,,,,,,but I’m afraid that he and I would have to wrestle in order for me to give up this bow. It’s THAT nice!!!! Can you tell that I really, really like this bow. If you are in the market for a true Hill style bow, you absolutely cannot go wrong with one of his bows.
Thanks again Dave
Burt Verdi #
I got my first Hill style bow from Dave,Laminated riser 66in as per his recommendation as I was new to this style,Being a long time recurve shooter at the time.once I learned how to hold and caress this new style of bow, I was amazed how well I could shoot it!! I was HOOKED.I bought and shot several Hill style bow since then, it”s been 3yrs now. and I have decided to become a one Hill style bow guy.and the winner is MY DAVE JOHNSON HILL STYLE BOW….you WILL love it,Thank you Dave!!!!!!!!!!! Burt